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Rosh Hashanah Insights - Batya Cohen

Through the looking glass: “I’m a critic, a pessimist, and optimism does not fit in with my vocabulary.” - your negative nature How many...

Greetings from the Head of School - 5/22/20

Today, Friday the 28th day of Iyar, כ”ח אייר, we celebrate the miraculous reunification of Jerusalem which took place during the Six Day...

Greetings from the Head of School - 5/15/20

During this past week at Sha’arei Bina the students celebrated Lag Ba’omer with a two day Color War. I really never liked the concept of...

Torat Imecha - 5/8/20

In Legal Concepts, we have been studying the mitzvah of Sefirat Haomer, which occurs in this week’s parsha, Emor, Perek 23. The Ramban...

Greetings from the Head of School - 5/8/20

Today, Friday May 8th, is the 14th of Iyar. Very rarely in life do you get a chance to do a do-over. Pesach Sheni sets a wonderful...

Torat Imecha - 5/1/20

This week we read two parshiot, Acharai Mot and Kedoshim. Parshat Kedoshim begins with the words: קדושים תהיו כי קדוש אני ה' אלקיכם You...

Greetings from Head of School - 5/1/20

When we were younger there was a game we played called mad-libs.  You filled in the blank in sentences that then when strung together...

Greetings from the Head of School - 3/6/20

This week we read Parshat Zachor - All men and women are commanded to remember what Amalek perpetrated against the Jewish nation while...

Greetings from Head of School - 2/21/20

This week’s parsha, Mishpatim, contains many of the social laws that perhaps we would follow whether we were Jewish or not. It is basic...

Torat Imecha - 2/14/20

The story of Yitro follows on the heels of the battle against Amalek in last week’s parsha, B’Shalach. Then the Torah tells us: א...

Greetings from the Head of School - 2/14/20

Love is in the air! You cannot help but notice all the hearts, roses and advertisements for jewelry and perfume! But just as my mother...

Torat Imecha - 2/7/20

I walked a visitor through our school this week. The walls and doorways were adorned with the greens of trees and the bright hues of...

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