Torat Imecha - 2/5/21
This parsha begins with the words, וַיִּשְׁמַ֞ע יִתְר֨וֹ - And Yitro heard. The Medrash records a three way machloket: מַה שְּׁמוּעָה...
This parsha begins with the words, וַיִּשְׁמַ֞ע יִתְר֨וֹ - And Yitro heard. The Medrash records a three way machloket: מַה שְּׁמוּעָה...
Welcome back to school after our short but needed “winter break.” While we maintained as normal a routine as possible during the first...
As a prelude to the ten plagues, Hashem sends Moshe and Aharon to demonstrate אותות, signs. Moshe throws his staff onto the ground; it...
Failure leads to success. What a strange concept to contemplate and even try to teach our children. We are usually guiding our children...
As I was on my way to work this morning, after making sure that the challah dough was rising, the chicken soup defrosting, the hot water...
It is quite unusual that a fast day falls out on a Friday. It is even more unusual that Asarah B’Tevet falls on December 25th. However,...
The Perek of Tehillim that I am going to speak about, is one that, I believe, is extremely underrated. Whenever we say Hallel, it is the...
“When one door closes another one opens”. This expression is attributed to Alexander Graham Bell. However, there is more to the story....
An interesting theme emerges each year, as Chanukah coincides with Parshat Vayeshev. As a result of Yosef’s dreams, the underlying...
In his book "The Interpretation of Dreams," Sigmund Freud suggested that the content of dreams is related to wish fulfillment. Freud...
In Machshevet class today, the tenth grade was discussing the Mitzvah of Talmud Torah and the request that we articulate in Birchat...
If you go out of your homes to shop, to stroll, to even get a breath of fresh air, unless you are living in Bnei Brak or Yerushalayim,...
We are completing our first quarter of this uncertain and unpredictable school year. As we began school in August we had every hope that...
The tenth, eleventh and twelfth grades have spent the week focusing on the themes of Kavod v’Oneg Shabbat. In Sefer Shemot,The...
Last Motzei Shabbat we learned of the petirah of two Torah giants - עליהם השלום - Rabbi Dovid Feinstein z’l, and Rabbi Jonathan Sacks,...
Monday, November 9th is the English date for the anniversary of Kristallnacht - The Night of the Broken Glass. For many, that fateful...
We are all concerned about wearing masks and social distancing - or at least we all should be. It is a constant battle between what is...
Mrs. Tobi Wolf, Principal Parshat Ha’azinu is a unique component of Moshe Rabeinu’s farewell opus to B’nei Yisroel, a shira that...
This week in school we took time each day to include in our tefillot the special additions said during Aseret Yemei Teshuva - the Ten...