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Torat Imecha - 2/5/21

This parsha begins with the words, וַיִּשְׁמַ֞ע יִתְר֨וֹ - And Yitro heard. The Medrash records a three way machloket: מַה שְּׁמוּעָה...

Greetings from the Head of School - 2/5/21

Welcome back to school after our short but needed “winter break.” While we maintained as normal a routine as possible during the first...

Torat Imecha - 1/15/21

As a prelude to the ten plagues, Hashem sends Moshe and Aharon to demonstrate אותות, signs. Moshe throws his staff onto the ground; it...

Greetings from the Head of School - 1/15/21

Failure leads to success. What a strange concept to contemplate and even try to teach our children. We are usually guiding our children...

Greetings from the Head of School - 1/8/21

As I was on my way to work this morning, after making sure that the challah dough was rising, the chicken soup defrosting, the hot water...

Greeting from the Head of School - 12/25/20

It is quite unusual that a fast day falls out on a Friday. It is even more unusual that Asarah B’Tevet falls on December 25th. However,...

Tamara Yeshurun's Tehillim Siyum Davar Torah

The Perek of Tehillim that I am going to speak about, is one that, I believe, is extremely underrated. Whenever we say Hallel, it is the...

Greetings from the Head of School - 12/18/20

“When one door closes another one opens”. This expression is attributed to Alexander Graham Bell. However, there is more to the story....

Torat Imecha - 12/11/20

An interesting theme emerges each year, as Chanukah coincides with Parshat Vayeshev. As a result of Yosef’s dreams, the underlying...

Greetings from the Head of School - 12/11/20

In his book "The Interpretation of Dreams," Sigmund Freud suggested that the content of dreams is related to wish fulfillment. Freud...

Torat Imecha - 12/4/20

In Machshevet class today, the tenth grade was discussing the Mitzvah of Talmud Torah and the request that we articulate in Birchat...

Greetings from the Head of School - 12/4/20

If you go out of your homes to shop, to stroll, to even get a breath of fresh air, unless you are living in Bnei Brak or Yerushalayim,...

Greetings from the Head of School - 11/20/20

We are completing our first quarter of this uncertain and unpredictable school year. As we began school in August we had every hope that...

Torat Imecha - 11/13/20

The tenth, eleventh and twelfth grades have spent the week focusing on the themes of Kavod v’Oneg Shabbat. In Sefer Shemot,The...

Greetings from the Head of School - 11/13/20

Last Motzei Shabbat we learned of the petirah of two Torah giants - עליהם השלום - Rabbi Dovid Feinstein z’l, and Rabbi Jonathan Sacks,...

Greetings from the Head of School - 11/6/20

Monday, November 9th is the English date for the anniversary of Kristallnacht - The Night of the Broken Glass. For many, that fateful...

Greetings from the Head of School - 10/30/20

We are all concerned about wearing masks and social distancing - or at least we all should be. It is a constant battle between what is...

Torat Imecha - 9/25/20

Mrs. Tobi Wolf, Principal Parshat Ha’azinu is a unique component of Moshe Rabeinu’s farewell opus to B’nei Yisroel, a shira that...

Greetings from the Head of School - 9/25/20

This week in school we took time each day to include in our tefillot the special additions said during Aseret Yemei Teshuva - the Ten...

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