Torat Imecha - 12/6/19
The ninth grade explored the topic of jealousy in Parshat Hashavua class this week. ויצא: ל, א: וַתֵּרֶא רָחֵל, כִּי לֹא יָלְדָה...
The ninth grade explored the topic of jealousy in Parshat Hashavua class this week. ויצא: ל, א: וַתֵּרֶא רָחֵל, כִּי לֹא יָלְדָה...
For the past year we have been reciting a perek of Tehillim every day at the conclusion of our davening as we pray for the cholim (sick),...
As the parsha unfolds we read in great detail the fiscal negotiations Avraham exchanged with the Chiti in order to purchase Ma’arat...
Where else would Avraham bury his wife? Furthermore, the entire land was promised, not to Avraham, but to his children; there is no...
Here is the question (and answer!) from last week -
This week in school our teachers and students were reviewing, evaluating and building on the foundations of a solid education in Limudei...
Here is last week's question and accompanying answer!
Parshat Lech L’cha teaches us about the conception of the nation. One man emerges from the multitude. Not only does he reject the...
This past Tuesday, the 7th of Marcheshvan, was the yahrzeit of Rabbi Meir Shapiro, the founder of the Daf Yomi concept. In August 1923,...
Here is the answer to the question which appeared in the last edition of TAG Lines (11/1/19):
The last "Life of Pi" question to appear in TAG Lines!: The solution:
The storm finally ends in this week’s parsha and Noach waits for the waters to recede. He sends the raven to check if the land is dry,...
There is a country music song by singer Kacey Musgraves that, despite its being part of popular culture, fits so perfectly with the...
In our ninth grade Parsha class, we examined the names that Chava chose for her two sons. בראשית: ד:ב...וַתַּהַר, וַתֵּלֶד אֶת-קַיִן,...
There was a great joy in returning to school after two weeks of Chag and what seems like a month of being in the kitchen, every day being...
We have just emerged from the kedusha of Yom Kippur. During our Yom Iyun, we engaged in a study of the Avodah that the Kohen Gadol did...
In fact they do not even end with Shmini Atseret; rather our plans unfold throughout the year. It will only be when we look back, G-d...