Parshat Lech L’cha teaches us about the conception of the nation. One man emerges from the multitude. Not only does he reject the subjective views of reality offered by the surrounding pagan religions; he embraces the abstract concept of a Creator who is קדוש, divine, qualitatively distinct from anything physical. Additionally, Avram understands that, through this premise, he can discern the objective ethical principles that guide humans towards meaningful lives. Avram is moved to share this revolutionary concept with his fellow men and his wife, Sarai partners with him in this mission.
The ברית בין הבתרים is the covenant that transforms the promise of the land of Israel into a binding commitment of G-d to the nation that will emerge from Avram and Sarai. The Torah tells us that Avram accepts, with perfect faith, Hashem’s promise. But then Avram asks a perplexing question:
? בראשית: טו,ח: במה אדע כי ארשנה ?With what will I know that I will inherit it
Avram is clearly not questioning Hashem’s word; he has just embraced it. So how do we understand this question? Rashi offers a simple, yet profound explanation:
הודיעני באיזה זכות יתקיימו בה / Inform me by what merit they will prevail there
This is the billion dollar question. Avram understood that individuals would emerge through the ages who would be able to recognize and embrace the truth of Hashem’s existence and His relationship with mankind. But how is it possible to create and sustain a group of millions who would be able to maintain the commitment to such a truth? Can there truly be a nation, bound essentially by philosophy instead of land and language?
As the 10th grade class studies Sefer Devarim, with all its references to the failings of the Jewsih people in Bamidbar, we find ourselves asking the same question. Did they ever have a chance? It is clear that Moshe is addressing that very issue as he warns them, over and over, about the challenges that will confront them.
According to Rashi, Hashem answers Avram, “in the merit of the קרבנות, the sacrifices.” The nation will need a system of worship, to contain and channel the passion of its commitment and to prevent that passion from descending into paganism. The two laws that the Jews receive in Mitzrayim, Rosh Chodesh and Korban Pesach initiate that system and the culmination takes place on Har Sinai. The philosophical nation of Avraham matures into Moshe’s halachic nation.
That is the answer to my inquisitive students in tenth grade. We must achieve a synthesis between the the technical fulfillment of the mitzvot and the understanding of how those mitzvot guide us along the pathway of שלמות הנפש. We must also realize that, while we work on ourselves as individuals, we recognize our responsibility to all of כלל ישראל. And we can depend on the assurance of the ברית בין הבתרים, that Hashem is committed to His nation.