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Greetings from the Head of School - 2/7/20

What is a miracle? If a miracle can be explained logically or scientifically does it make it less of a wonder? That is the perennial...

Torat Imecha - 1/31/20

We began this week with Rosh Chodesh Shevat and we began to explore the origins of the Tu B’Shvat celebration. The first Mishna in Rosh...

Greetings from the Head of School - 1/31/20

This week our return to school coincided with Rosh Chodesh Shevat. The building was beautifully adorned with palm trees and hanging...

Torat Imecha - 1/17/20

In the true spirit of a Siyum, the tenth grade began Parshat Vaetchanan on the day that we completed Parshat Devarim. Moshe is pleading...

Life of Pi - 1/10/20

Here is last week's question and answer:

Greetings From the Head of School - 1/10/20

Families by their very organizational structure tend to be dysfunctional. Think about the constellation of different personalities,...

Torat Imecha - 1/3/20

The Teachers’ Lounge at Sha’arei Bina, is a place where colleagues exchange pleasantries and jokes, but they also confer on the...

Greetings from Head of School - 1/3/20

For many of us the New Year began months ago - on Rosh Hashana, 5780 rather than January 1, 2020.  Each day marks a new beginning and...

Life of Pi - 12/20/19

Here is the last question and answer:

Greetings from the Head of School - 12/20/19

Years ago when I was in High School, and I am sure this is probably true for anyone educated in America, we were responsible for reading...

Torat Imecha - 12/13/19

“Choice Tidbits” from 10th Grade Chumash We began this week by discussing the sin of the spies and, somehow, we found ourselves debating...

Greetings from the Head of School - 12/13/19

I have learned so much about faith and trust in Hakadosh Baruch Hu from my computer. Now don’t get me wrong, I am not just referring to...

Greetings from the Head of School - 12/6/19

The winter season is upon us bringing shorter and darker days. In the Diagnostic Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) this change in...

Life of Pi - 12/6/19

Here is last week's question and answer:

Health Awareness Day

On Wednesday, December 4th, our students in eighth grade through High School participated in a Health Awareness Day coordinated through...

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