Building upon the shiur given by Rebbitzen Janowski, the girls wrote down the middot and actions that they wanted to work on and improve. On Thursday, the students were split up into 16 groups and given an envelope containing actions and characteristics that needed improvement. The directive was to choose 3 characteristics and actions to portray in an improv scene, displaying its destructive and harmful effects.
Each group acted out their improv scene and the girls were asked to improvise a scene to see how we can improve that action, or change our reactions. The students tackled bullying, disrespect, insensitivity, laziness, selfishness and more. The students then gave their opinions about how we must be aware of how our actions impact upon others and that we must be mindful and respectful of our parents, teachers and each other.
The seniors presented strong ideas to help keep us focused and aware of sensitivity to others. Rabbis Wolnerman, Sheinkopf And Mrs Bodkins assisted Mrs Sprung and our resident improv expert, Dr Ferguson, In running this eye opening, and powerful exercise.