Greetings from the Head of School. Parshat Vayakhel Pekudei
This past week there was a bit off a brouhaha on the news apps regarding an advertisement sent out by one of the well- known, albeit non-kosher, fast food chains. The post read WOMEN BELONG IN THE KITCHEN. Now if you only read that you may have gasped with indignation. However, the ad was for a scholarship being offered to women who wanted to study the culinary arts and become chefs in restaurants, catering businesses and hotels, as women are underrepresented in that industry.
Women have been recognized for their ability to influence historic events from Biblical times. Chazal have proclaimed that בגלל נשים צדקניות נגאלו אבותנו ממצרים, it was in the merit of the righteous women that Bnai Yisrael were redeemed from Egypt. In this week’s parsha we read how the women willingly and joyously contributed their jewels and mirrors to the building of the mishkan (as opposed to their noted objection in contributing towards the creation of the Eigel Hazahav, the Golden Calf). What is especially noteworthy is the mirrors were designated for the כיור, the lavar, which served as the washbasin for the Kohanim to prepare themselves for the avodah, the daily sacrifices.
Now one may associate mirrors with vanity, a negative middah. However, in the hands of the righteous women, these mirrors allowed them to prepare themselves for their husbands, thus ensuring the continuity of am yisrael even in the bleakest time of servitude.
I think that repurposing the mirrors for the holiness of serving Hashem is no coincidence. Before one brings a sacrifice, or offers prayers to G-d one needs to take a good look at themselves. Is the image you see in the mirror the real you? Does your outside truly reflect your inside and even more so does your inside match the face in the mirror? Any lasting relationship has to be build on truth and trust.
This month of March is Women’s History Month. This is a good opportuntiy to learn and discuss the contributions of Jewish women throughout the generations. Will your name be added to the list? Really great women have the greatest influence providing warmth, comfort, nurturing, love, and spirituality starting in their homes with their families.
Yes, to bring the message full circle - Women belong in the kitchen, the boardroom, the operating room, the control room, in every workplace where their knowledge, talents, skills and confidence can be appreciated.
Have a Shabbat Shalom
Rochelle Brand, Ed.D
Head of School